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Thermal Protector Selection

In order to better help our customer to do a good job of selection of thermal protector, the customer needs to clear the following information:

1, the thermal protector used for what products? Is the new product development and old product improvement?

2, thermal protector action temperature? Temperature rise requirements disconnect (normally closed) or closed (normally open)?

3, to the temperature of thermal protector (operating temprature and reset temperature difference) requirements, requiring thermal protector is overheating protection type (temperature) or constant temperature type temperature (small).

4, operating temprature and reset temperature tolerance?

5, the rated working voltage and current? Is the perceptual load impedance load? Power factor?

6, if it is used as a motor protector, starting current, locked-rotor current how much is respectively? And how much is the temperature rise, locked-rotor time? Normal work when the temperature is how many?

7, if it is used as a battery protector, maximum charge and discharge current is how many? Maximum temperature rise?

8, wire specifications and insulating casing